Sex Positions

Sex Chat for Christian Wives - Ein Podcast von Bonny Burns, Gaye Christmus, J Parker, and Chris Taylor

About this episode Practical tips on positioning to help you find gain greater pleasure and intimacy in your marriage bed. 1. Why should wives be interested in learning new positions? 2. What positions are some women afraid to try? 3. Does the Bible have anything to say on the subject of sexual positions? 4. How can wives overcome their reluctance to expand their repertoire of sexual positions? 5. What’s a sexual position couples might not have tried that you recommend? From the Bible Song of Songs 7:13: "The mandrakes send out their fragrance, and at our door is every delicacy, both new and old, that I have stored up for you, my beloved." Song of Songs 2:6: "His left arm is under my head, and his right arm embraces me." Song of Songs 2:14: "My dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places on the mountainside, show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely." Resources Christian Friendly Sex Positions Journey to Surrender: "What's on Your Sex Menu?" The Cookie Sutra Liberator Wedge Pillow Christian Friendly Sex Positions: "Packing the Suitcase" Oyster Bed 7: "Sex Variety and Libido in Marriage" Hot, Holy & Humorous: "Why Try More Than One Sexual Position"  

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