Our Best Tips for Initiating Sex

Sex Chat for Christian Wives - Ein Podcast von Bonny Burns, Gaye Christmus, J Parker, and Chris Taylor

About this episode We all want to be wanted, and our husbands are no exception. Initiating sex is a great way to communicate “I want you” to your husband, but it isn’t always easy. Why do wives sometimes find it difficult to even try to initiate sex? Some wives report that they do try to initiate sex but their husbands don’t seem to pick up on the signals. What is going on? What are some things wives can do to initiate sex and get things rolling? Sponsor Click Here to Learn More This episode was also sponsored in part by Honoring Intimates, lingerie & more! From the Bible What does God have to say about initiating? Come, my beloved, let us go to the countryside, let us spend the night in the villages. Let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vines have budded, if their blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates are in bloom— there I will give you my love. The mandrakes send out their fragrance, and at our door is every delicacy, both new and old, that I have stored up for you, my beloved. Song of Songs 7:11-13 Resources You’re Not Kissing Enough – Hot, Holy & Humorous 40 Ways to Initiate Sex with Your Husband – Hot, Holy & Humorous5 Ways to Initiate Sex with Your Spouse – Hot, Holy & HumorousFlip the Switch from Initiation to Availability – Hot, Holy & Humorous How Do You Initiate Sex ? – The Forgiven Wife When You Initiate, Do This – The Forgiven Wife 10 Ideas You Can Use to Initiate Sex – The Forgiven Wife He Wants a Wild-Cat in Bed. That's Not Me. - Bonny's OysterBed7 Limited Time Only! Just in time for Valentine’s DayAll three 2019 webinars for only $12! Understanding Your Sex Drive Foreplay Understanding Her Sex Drive (for husbands) Good through January 31, 2020 Click Here to Learn More

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