Maintaining Sexual Intimacy During a Crisis

Sex Chat for Christian Wives - Ein Podcast von Bonny Burns, Gaye Christmus, J Parker, and Chris Taylor

About this episode As we record this, we are in the midst of a global pandemic. Life feels far from normal. Besides pandemics, we all live through very difficult experiences from time to time. Natural disasters, deaths, illnesses, and family crises can pull the rug out from under us. In this episode, we share some ideas to help you maintain sexual intimacy when life goes topsy-turvy. From the Bible What does God have to say about [insert topic]? "Then David comforted his wife Bathsheba, and he went to her and made love to her" (2 Samuel 12:24a). "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7). Resources Challenging Times? Some Tips to Keep Up Marital Intimacy! - J's newsletterLet's Address These Marriage Struggles You May Have Right Now - J's newsletter 4 Ways Sex Can Comfort in Crisis or Grief - Hot, Holy & HumorousHow Sex Can Help Us Cope - Hot, Holy & HumorousYour Wife's Anxiety - KHS Ministry 8 Ways to Stay Intimate Even When Life Gets in the Way of Sex - The Forgiven Wife Nurture Your Non-Sexual Intimacy - The Forgiven Wife Note: J's son was tested for Coronavirus, and the test was negative. Her husband's insulin issues got resolved as well. Let's keep praying for others who are impacted or at risk.

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