Accepting Your Body

Sex Chat for Christian Wives - Ein Podcast von Bonny Burns, Gaye Christmus, J Parker, and Chris Taylor

About this episode Today we’re talking about feeling comfortable in your body. This is a struggle for so many women, and it affects every area of our lives—inside and outside the bedroom. So, ladies, when we say “getting comfortable with your body,” what does that mean? And why is it so hard to do? What are some of ways that body discomfort shows up in women’s lives? And, of course, feeling uncomfortable with your body tends to show up with a vengeance in the bedroom. Why is that the case, and what impact does body discomfort have on women’s sex lives? What are some things women can do to begin that process and start moving forward? Sponsor Click Here to Shop at Infinite Moon From the Bible What does God have to say about getting comfortable with your body? So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. - Genesis 1:27 For you created my inmost being;   you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;   your works are wonderful,   I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14 Resources Body by God | The Forgiven Wife 4 Ways to Be Present During Sex | The Forgiven Wife A Wife's Breasts Have History! | The Forgiven Wife Enjoy a Plus-Size Sex Life, Part 1 | Honeycomb & Spice Enjoy a Plus-Size Sex Life, Part 2 | Honeycomb & Spice 3 Reasons to Love Your Body | Calm.Healthy.Sexy. 11 Ways to Love Your Body | Calm.Healthy.Sexy. How to Get Your Mind and Body on the Same Page | Calm.Healthy.Sexy. Episode 109: Your Sexual Self What Not to Wear | Watch Full Episodes & More! - TLC Body Image: Why Are We So Hard on Ourselves? | Hot, Holy & Humorous Feeling Beautiful: A Wife's Goal for 2015 | Hot, Holy & Humorous Real Women Come in All Shapes and Sizes | Hot, Holy & Humorous Getting Comfortable Being Naked with Your Husband | Hot, Holy & Humorous Tips for Confidently Baring It All for Your Hubby | Hot, Holy & Humorous Forget What You Look Like While Making Love | Hot, Holy & Humorous Grow Old With Me (Remastered 2010) - YouTube (based on Robert Browning poem) or the lovely cover from Mary Chapin Carpenter Episode 74: Getting Comfortable with Your Body - Sex Chat for Christian Wives  

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