42-Oral Sex

Sex Chat for Christian Wives - Ein Podcast von Bonny Burns, Gaye Christmus, J Parker, and Chris Taylor

Thanks for your support! Click here for GoFundMe. We know that oral sex can be a difficult subject in plenty of marriages. Is it okay for oral sex to be part of a Christian marriage? What about germs? What if a couple disagrees, with one spouse wanting to give or receive while the other spouse doesn't want anything to do with it? In this episode, we’re going to tackle these questions. Let’s start with whether it’s okay for oral sex to be part of a Christian marriage. Ladies, what do you think? What kinds of health concerns might come into play with oral sex? If a husband and wife don’t agree about oral sex in their marriage bed, how can they work through their disagreement? More links and resources at our website: forchristianwives.com

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