10 Best Things About Sex

Sex Chat for Christian Wives - Ein Podcast von Bonny Burns, Gaye Christmus, J Parker, and Chris Taylor

What are the best things about sex? We compiled a list of ten and hope it will inspire you to pursue better and deeper intimacy in your marriage. Sponsor Black Friday sale: 13% off store-wide! Visit Married Dance HERE. Also check out Make My Own Soap! Use coupon code 10off for $10 off the one-pound loaf starter kit. Use coupon code 20off for $20 off the LOAF starter kit. From the Bible What does the Bible say about the best things about sex? I belong to my beloved,   and his desire is for me. – Song of Songs 7:10 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. – Ephesians 5:31-32 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. – Genesis 2:24-25 Resources 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex (webmd.com) Unlock Your Orgasm: Through a Christian Lens by Bonny Logsdon Burns Orgasm Webinar Hot, Holy, and Humorous: Sex in Marriage by God's Design by J. Parker Episode 58: Orgasm Episode 114: Pursuing Playfulness in Sexual Intimacy Touchstone: Sex Is Fun, Part 1 | The Forgiven Wife Boom-Boom Playtime: Sex Is Fun, Part 2 | The Forgiven Wife Sex Is Like Rose-Colored Glasses - Hot, Holy & Humorous Strategy #10 - Build Sexual Confidence - Physical Confidence - Calm.Healthy.Sexy. Strategy #11 - Build Sexual Confidence - Knowledge - Calm.Healthy.Sexy. Build Sexual Confidence by Taking Action - Calm.Healthy.Sexy. Why Sex Should Be Hot, Holy, and Humorous - Hot, Holy & Humorous Is Sex a Spiritual Experience in Your Marriage? - Hot, Holy & Humorous Visit our website: forchristianwives.com

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