Outcomes Not Output - with Dr. Stacey Hatcher, Milestone Church

Eleven years into her practice as a doctor in internal medicine, Dr. Stacey Hatcher felt God was calling her in a new direction. After going on a mission trip with her daughter, everything changed! Dr. Stacey made a radical jump and now oversees local outreach, missions, and the amazing single moms ministry at Milestone Church. Bringing her skills and experience as a doctor to the world of outreach, Dr. Stacey continues to beautifully care for people who are hurting. In this episode, we’ll get to hear about Dr. Stacey’s story, the amazing scope of outreach at Milestone Church, and the secret to keeping our outreaches high quality and intentional. You don’t want to miss this one! Follow them on social media: @milestonemissions

Om Podcasten

Fresh-Brewed Inspiration for the Serve Community Join us for a virtual coffee break with today’s foremost outreach leaders as they share their serving experiences around the world and provide insight into their communities. Together, we’ll gain fresh wisdom and renewed encouragement as we continue to reach people in our cities with the love of Jesus.