Mental Wellness & Outreach - with Ps. Toby Slough and Bailey Garner, Be A Goby

Outreach is all about finding needs and filling them, finding hurts and healing them. Some of the greatest needs and hurts in our world today are happening within the mind. While mental health is a massive need - it’s not always readily seen or recognized. So how do we identify mental health needs in our community? How can we respond? What if we don’t feel qualified or even know where to start? Father/Daughter Duo, Ps. Toby Slough and Bailey Garner are here to help us navigate and respond to possibly one of the greatest opportunities to spread hope we’ve ever seen. It may get a little messy - but it’s a lot simpler than you might think! Get the tissues, the notebooks, the coffee, and all the things. This one is a GAME CHANGER! Notes: website: socials: 40 I AMS: MEDIA: youtube: PODCAST spotify: apple podcast:

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Fresh-Brewed Inspiration for the Serve Community Join us for a virtual coffee break with today’s foremost outreach leaders as they share their serving experiences around the world and provide insight into their communities. Together, we’ll gain fresh wisdom and renewed encouragement as we continue to reach people in our cities with the love of Jesus.