Twincast / Podcast #343 "In the Future Year 2000"

Episode 343 of the Twincast / Podcast kicks off with revelations on the HasLab Omega Prime announcement, or at least commentary on the upcoming project and speculation about its odds of success. Toy news talk continues with the discussion of the recently revealed Generations Legacy United Leader Class Sandstorm, plus the comic-themed redecos of Grimlock and Shockwave. Unofficial leaks of Shard and Chromia are up next, followed by brief thoughts on licensed merchandise including the McFarlane Toys Page Punchers Two Packs, as well as the 40th anniversary trading cards. In a special topic, the cast imagines possible alternate histories that could result by making one small change in the past. The limited recurring “40 for 40” topic comes next, revisiting the year 2000 and our favorite toys from Beast Machines, Car Robots and even the very tail-end of Beast Wars. This episode then concludes with the regular “Bragging Rights” segment.

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