Twincast / Podcast #341 "2023 Year in Review"

On Episode #341 of the Twincast Podcast, ScottyP, Kuhlio, Aarnhide19 and Megatronus look back for a 2023 Year in Review. Categories include: the Objective Best Toy of 2023, Subjective Favorite Toy of 2023, Best Media of 2023, Worst Toy of 2023, Worst Transformers Thing of 2023, and Biggest Collecting Achievement. These superlatives are followed by predictions, both our annual 2024 easy definitely-going-to-happen prediction, as well as bold spicy-hot-take for the year. Next is our new favorite regular segment: 40 for 40, where we each pick our favorite release from a given year, from the last 40 years of the Transformers brand. This time, we will discuss the year: 1998, with Beast Wars and Beast Wars II representing forming the core of our selections. Finally, we end as we always do, with a round of bragging rights for all the new things we bought since the last episode.

Om Podcasten proudly presents our Twincast/Podcast about Transformers. The website's very first internet radio talk show! Every week we will be talking about the latest Transformers news and look back at some of the greatest moments in Transformers history. Enjoy the new Twincast podcast, and then join the discussion in the forums.