Twincast / Podcast #339 "Nature Lies"

Episode 339 of the Twincast / Podcast starts out with a chat about the newly revealed, upcoming Earthspark toys such as One-Step Skullcruncher, Tacticon Twitch and Warrior Class Bumblebee. After that, the talk moves on to recent assembly issues for Movie Masterpiece Bonecrusher and how to avoid them, while general impressions of this new release are also shared. Holiday wishlist suggestions from the cast give way for the 40 for 40 limited segment which reaches 1996 and the Beast Wars. The cast talks about their favorite Maximals, Predacons and fast-food premiums from this first year of the "Beast Era" of Transformers. The episode concludes with the recurring "Bragging Rights" segment where the cast shares their most recent Transformers toy acquisitions.

Om Podcasten proudly presents our Twincast/Podcast about Transformers. The website's very first internet radio talk show! Every week we will be talking about the latest Transformers news and look back at some of the greatest moments in Transformers history. Enjoy the new Twincast podcast, and then join the discussion in the forums.