Twincast / Podcast #334 "Pulsecon 2023"

Hasbro's Pulsecon 2023 has concluded and the Twincast Podcast gathers to discuss its revealed product information for episode 334. Each class of figures gets some time in the spotlight, including the Core Class with Energon Megatron as its highlight. The upcoming Deluxe Class entries such as Rescue Bots Chase and Cyberverse Windblade give way to Voyagers Thundertron and Animated Optimus Prime. Tigerhawk takes up the sole Leader Class entry, leaving room for speculation about a presumed Commander Class Magmatron and Titan Class Tidal Wave based solely on the artwork from the Legacy United lineup teaser poster. The limited recurring "40 for 40" segment follows all the Pulsecon talk with the cast selecting their favorite Transformers from the year 1991. Bragging Rights brings the episode to a close in usual fashion, with each cast member reflecting on the most recent additions to their collection.

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