Twincast / Podcast #327 "Review of the Beasts"

Rise of the Beasts has hit movie theaters across the globe and the Twincast Podcast takes most of episode 327 to talk about the film. Reflections on its characters occur throughout, including both the robot and human cast with standouts such as Mirage and Noah. The plot is discussed in-depth alongside speculation of what may have been left on the cutting room floor that could have helped the story along. Continuity comes up as well, leaving the ultimate decision on prequel vs reboot status to the listener. The G.I. Joe presence at the end of the film also leads to informal predictions of what may occur in the future. After some retrospective thought about its toyline, the cast quickly checks out the upcoming Buzzworthy Bumblebee troop-builder 4-pack before the episode concludes with a quick round of the recurring Bragging Rights segment.

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