Twincast / Podcast #321 "Errial"

The Twincast / Podcast begins episode 321 by sharing in-hand impressions of the latest Transformers Generations Legacy Evolution toys, including Leader Class Skyquake, Deluxe Class Animated Prowl and the other new Deluxe motorcycle, Crashbar. This toy-centric episode continues discussion with the surprise reveal of the soon to be released War Dawn set recently discovered at a Canadian Gamestop store. Rise of the Beasts movie designs provide opportunity for a brief discussion on expectations for the film and the impact its marketing cycle has on fans. A look at the new Walmart G2 line that was recently revealed comes up next. After that, a listener question on a possible Studio Series 86 Commander Class Ultra Magnus is addressed before a short continuation of the long ongoing Classics Retrospective segment closes out the discussion topics. As usual, Bragging Rights finishes up this episode.

Om Podcasten proudly presents our Twincast/Podcast about Transformers. The website's very first internet radio talk show! Every week we will be talking about the latest Transformers news and look back at some of the greatest moments in Transformers history. Enjoy the new Twincast podcast, and then join the discussion in the forums.