81 - Survival of the Fittest: Operating an Evolving Business w/ Wes Harper

Scale Your Small Business - Ein Podcast von Jillian Flodstrom


Welcome back to the Scale Your Small Business Podcast with your host, Jillian Flodstrom. This week, we’re having a discussion with a true survivalist and business owner, Wes Harper. Wes has appeared three times on Discovery Channel’s hit show, Naked and Afraid, and is the President of a successful IT solutions operation, LightWire, Inc.    The show Wes appeared on, Naked and Afraid, is an exercise in true survivalism. Dropped in a remote area with little resources (and no clothes) to survive with a partner for upwards of 40 days. This test of physical strength is only surpassed by the mental fortitude required to thrive under such harsh conditions. The mental attitude you have, Wes says, can be applied to both survival and business ownership. Being stubborn and being positive are two of the most important traits you can have in both situations. The truth is, you’re going to fail constantly. Business ownership, especially small businesses, requires a certain amount of grit and persistence to be successful. In the same way a survival mentality can help with businesses success, it can go the other way as well. Being in small business ownership for nearly 20 years allowed Wes to build up the mental toughness he needed to succeed.    Specifically, this experience forces one to consider what is and what isn’t truly important. Much like survival, it’s about prioritization. As you grow, you may find yourself in a situation where you’ve outgrown people you’ve had as clients in the past. Some clients are not worth the energy and effort you’re putting forth. Once you make the mental prioritization, understanding it’s costing more than you’re getting, everything improves. Once you know your target audience, you know not to answer the door when it’s not them knocking.    LightWire, Inc is one of the fastest-growing IT companies in North Carolina. For a flat fee, they provide IT services, including wireless systems, email, servers, and cloud services. Founded in 1996, technology has evolved, and it’s evolved quickly--LightWire has evolved alongside it. Change is the only constant--it’s about changing as tech changes.    Cyber attacks are getting worse. In just North Carolina, millions--sometimes billions of dollars are lost in blackouts caused by cybersecurity attacks alone. And it doesn’t matter the size of your business--if you store data, you’re a target. There are a few simple things you can do to make sure you’re safe. First, go to your box store and purchase a reliable firewall. Make sure you’re amply supported with updates and management. Secondly, back your data up often. If you’re hacked and your data is backed up, you’re set. Finally, we are our own worst enemies with cybersecurity. Have antivirus and antimalware installed, and educate yourself on what to watch out for. Phishing and hacking attacks are getting smarter, and so should you. If you get an email you're unsure of, call them. Just call them and say, "Did you send me this email?" That will save you more hassle than you could ever imagine. On top of that, consider self-evaluating every 6 months to find any holes that may have appeared in your security.    Key Takeaways   Operating a small business is all about a survival mentality. Adapt and evolve!  Prioritize what is going to serve you and your business best. If it’s not your ideal client knocking at the door, don’t answer. Take your cybersecurity seriously. Back up your data and make sure you have antimalware and antivirus software installed.    LINKS   https://lightwireinc.com/

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