Demons! Demons Everywhere!

Saved by the City - Ein Podcast von Religion News Service - Donnerstags

Don't panic ... but it's Satan's holiday! A parade of ghouls, ghosts and ghastly horrors, Halloween is viewed as more trick than treat by many evangelicals. It's the devil's play day, after all, and the demonic is no joke. Katelyn and Roxy take a spin down memory lane, recalling childhood fall festivals, teenage Hell Houses and the ever present threat of The Rapture. Oh, and what was up with that whole Satanic Panic thing? Tyler Huckabee joins in on the nostalgia, dredging up a few of his own ghosts of evangelical Halloween's past.  And we wonder: maybe seeing demons around every corner isn't a super healthy way to live? GUEST: Tyler Huckabee is the senior editor of Relevant magazine and co-host of “Cape Town,” a podcast about superheroes and superhero things.

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