"Sexual Harassment in the Workplace" Part 3: Reporting and investigating allegations of sexual harassment

Safeguarding Matters - Ein Podcast von safeguardingsupporthub


Part 3: Reporting and investigation – a human resource professional and trained investigator of sexual exploitation, harassment and abuse, Jalelie Djiregna walks us through good practices for dealing with sexual harassment incidents, and what helps in conducting a survivor-centered investigation.   ክፍል 3፡ የሠው ሀይል አስተዳደር ባለሙያና የሠለጠነች የወሲባዊ ጥቃት፣ ብዝበዛና ትንኮሳ መርማሪ የሆነችው ጃለሌ ጅሬኛ የወሲባዊ ትንኮሳ ቅሬታ አቀራረብ ስርአትና ተጠቂዎችን ማእከል ባደረገ መልኩ የሚደረግ ጥሩ የምርመራ ተሞክሮን ታካፍላለች፡፡

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