What To Do If You’re Feeling Disappointed In Love Or Business

Rori Raye Feminine Energy Radio - Ein Podcast von Rori Raye

At some point, we run into disappointment. Disappointments in love, and because Rori Raye Siren School is one of the top leaders of Feminine Energy business - disappointment in work and business too. …Disappointment in love and dating and How to verbalize that, how to deal with it in your body when you feel it, and how to fix it. ...So, disappointment about anything - Obviously has to do with expectations, right? "I expect this to happen. I hope this will happen...." So when this doesn't happen, my dream, my imagination, my vision board, I feel a sense of letdown. It feels like letdown in your body, right? We call it disappointment. We often feel it as anger, frustration. Pissed offness, pissosity.  We feel it in a lot of different intense ways and sometimes there's sadness and like a letdown feeling, like a blue feeling.  So all of those, please recognize all of those and write me or send in a message about how you experience disappointment and ‘let down’, and how that affects you. On Siren Island, my dedicated team of brilliant coaches are ready to work with you closely, offering personalized support and solutions to navigate through life's challenges." https://www.coachrori.com/lp/siren-island-program/ Love, Rori

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