286: The first step to escape the rat race

Schedule your free Wealth Strategy session with Angie: https://calendly.com/angiegarner/wealth-strategy-session   Grab $10 OFF Happy Juice!  https://www.amare.com/1443620/en-us/Happy-Juice-Pack   Escaping the rat race means having: The freedom to work from wherever you want. The freedom to build a successful financial future. Sustainable and energizing work-life balance. The freedom to work and raise children (without losing your mind!) The opportunity to make yourself rich, rather than someone else. The opportunity to make progress toward your goals.   The hard truth is that the first step in the process to escape the rat race is (and always has been) to begin preserving capital.    In this episode we will dive into the why and how to make this possible!  

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Are you tired of chasing success only to be left burnt out and uninspired? Are you ready to break generational cycles of poverty thinking, addiction and struggle? Are you hungry to grow personally, spiritually, financially? Are you determined to uncover your full potential in this one, beautiful life we get?! If so, it is time to ANSWER THE CALL. Living life in sync with Spirit is a life of wonder and awe. Making more decisions from heart rather than head. It's the road less traveled. Because the call is not typically the easy choice. We all have exactly what we need in us to answer the call. But we also need the courage and bravery of those who have come before us. To remind us that we, too, can answer the call. In our own unique ways. Answering the call brings you home to your God-given identity. What could possibly be more important? This show is a blend of thoughtful interviews and vulnerable solo episodes from the host, ANGIE GARNER. As a Bestselling Author, Top Leader in The Mental Wellness Company, and Financial Strategist, Angie is on a mission to help you BREAK FREE from the thoughts and habits keeping you from living your truest, most fulfilling life. Follow and listen for your regular dose of truth talk about how to achieve freedom and a life of abundance. Learn more about working with Angie: www.angiegarner.com Connect with Angie on Instagram, Tik Tok & Facebook: @angiegarnerofficial