#897 A Sneak Peak of the Love-Paced Race: Phylicia Masonheimer, Nicole Unice, and Nika Maples Share on What the Church Has Taught About the Body
Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole - Ein Podcast von Alisa Keeton

Phylicia Masonheimer, Nicole Unice, and Nika Maples sit down for an insightful and compelling roundtable conversation with Alisa on what the church has taught them about the body. This conversation is a sample of more you'll hear like just this one as you train in the Love-Paced Race. If you loved this sample, then be sure to listen to the rest of this one in the Love-Paced Race! You'll hear perspectives from all our Global Ministry Leaders like Ann Voskamp, Jamie Ivey, Jami Nato, and others as you train to walk a 5K, 10K, half, or full marathon. Sign-ups open on May 14 for the Love-Paced Race! Find out more information here! Love-Paced Race. Become a Revelation Wellness Donor today! Click here to donate! Your generosity helps make podcasts like these possible! We love our Rev community and think you will, too! Be sure to get connected with us at: The Official Revelation Wellness Facebook / Instagram / RevWell TV / Youtube Your reviews matter to us and help spread the good news, so please leave us one where you listen to your podcast! If we read your review on our show, we'll send you a gift from the Revelation Wellness Store! We'd also love to hear from you! So please leave us a VOICE MESSAGE here! Tell us what you thought about this episode!