#867 Jordan Raynor on "The Sacredness of Secular Work"
Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole - Ein Podcast von Alisa Keeton

If you think your work doesn't matter to the kingdom, you need to press play on this episode! Jordan Raynor is here to break down the confusion and myth around work and why God cares passionately about ALL of our work—from leading fitness classes to serving as CEOs to planting gardens—it all matters to God. This conversation with Jordan and Alisa will shift how you see your work this year. You'll hear how what we do, even when we're not sharing the Gospel, is of eternal value. This may just be the episode you need to spark more joy in what you do each and every day! Jordan's new book, The Sacredness of Secular Work, is available for pre-order now, and be sure to listen all the way to the end because he's sharing a pre-order bonus like no other! Go to episode #867 to learn more about Jordan. Our new platoon of Revelation Wellness Instructors, including our new program, LiveWell, is forming now! Let us train and equip you to lead others to health and wholeness through one of our faith-based training programs for everyBODY! Download a packet today! As you also heard in this episode, you can learn more about the Love-Paced Race here! Become a Revelation Wellness Donor today! Click here to donate! Your generosity helps make podcasts like these possible! We love our Rev community and think you will, too! Be sure to get connected with us at: The Official Revelation Wellness Facebook / Instagram / RevWell TV / Youtube Your reviews matter to us and help spread the good news, so please leave us one where you listen to your podcast! If we read your review on our show, we'll send you a gift from the Revelation Wellness Store! We'd also love to hear from you! So please leave us a VOICE MESSAGE here! Tell us what you thought about this episode!