#790 Corey Russell on the Dialogue of Prayer

Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole - Ein Podcast von Alisa Keeton

We all know we need to pray, but for many of us, we don't know why—or we're not sure God hears us when we pray. Buckle up, friends, because Corey Russell is here, and we can all get under the piñata of his heart for prayer. You will be blessed by this conversation with Alisa and Corey, where you'll understand the simplicity of prayer as a dialogue with God and what an embodied prayer life looks like. Can we be honest? Sometimes it might even seem a little boring. But Corey breathes fresh fire on why we need to pray, and he even models the 20/20/20 approach that will get you started. Corey Russell has the heart to awaken the church to the beauty of Jesus, intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and the revelation of intercession. Corey has written nine books, including Teach Us to Pray, and has online courses with over 200 hours of content to help you grow your prayer life. You can connect with Corey at coreyrussell.org.  We are so EXCITED that The Body Revelation launch season is here! That's right! Alisa's new book, The Body Revelation, is available for pre-order now! Each pre-order gets you access to exclusive content and offers, such as the audiobook narrated by Alisa, discounts on The Body Revelation clothing line, and so much more! Click here to pre-order and learn more!  Have you downloaded the RW App yet? Before you hit play, go to the app store and download the free RW App. You can also check out our exclusive REVING the Word episodes for RW+ subscribers! Try RW+ out free for seven days and press play on our brand new workout, RevXing the Word.  We love our Rev community and think you will too! Be sure to get connected with us at: The Official Revelation Wellness Facebook / Instagram / RevWell TV / Youtube   Your reviews matter to us and help spread the good news, so please leave us one where you listen to your podcast! If we read your review on our show, we'll send you a gift from the Revelation Wellness Store!   We'd also love to hear from you! So leave us a VOICE MESSAGE here!  Tell us what you thought about this episode and how God met you in this episode.  

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