#657 Karrie Garcia: Freedom Movement

Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole - Ein Podcast von Alisa Keeton

Join Alisa in this conversation with Karrie Garcia. Karrie Garcia is a pastor, life coach, author and CEO that has been inspiring change in others by boldly sharing her journey to freedom. Karrie is not afraid to wade through deep waters, because she has seen firsthand how God’s true redemptive purpose for our lives does not begin once we’re free from pain, rather it stems directly out of that pain. In today's podcast Alisa and Karrie talk about how costly freedom is when living a Christ-centered life.  Karrie's wisdom and encouragement will spur you on to keep going, even when you feel like you want to give up.  To find out more about Karrie go to her WEBSITE & follow her on INSTAGRAM! Sign up for our OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP PROGRAM, RevWild!

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