#552 Dr. Caroline Leaf: Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess
Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole - Ein Podcast von Alisa Keeton
Join Alisa and Dr. Caroline Leaf as they discuss her new book, CLEANING UP YOUR MENTAL MESS. In today’s chaotic world it seems that no one can avoid toxic thoughts, depression or anxiety -- our mental mess is frequently aggravated and sustained by an inability to manage our runaway thoughts. But we shouldn't settle into this mental mess as if it's just our new normal. There's hope and help available to us--and the road to healthier thoughts and peak happiness may actually be shorter than you think. In CLEANING UP YOUR MENTAL MESS (March 2, 2021) by world-renowned neuroscientist and best-selling author, Dr. Caroline Leaf, the solution is offered in five action-oriented steps called the Neurocycle, where she shares practical application and strategies for readers. Backed by clinical research and illustrated with compelling case studies, Dr. Leaf provides a scientifically supported plan to find and eliminate the root of anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts in reader’s lives so they can build a healthy new and automated neural network in 63 days, the length of time to properly build a new habit. “I truly believe that mental mess is something we all experience often,” writes Dr. Leaf, “and that it isn’t something we should be ashamed of. This is my profession, and I still have to clean up my mind daily. The events and circumstances of life aren’t going anywhere; people make a lot of decisions every day that affect us all, suffering of some sort for you and your loved ones is inevitable. That said, I wholeheartedly believe that although the events and circumstances can’t be controlled, we can control our reactions to these events and circumstances. This is mind-management in action!” Where to find Dr. Caroline Leaf: WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @drcarolineleaf When Dr. Caroline used Orange Theory Fitness with Neurocycle