J & J Pause, Does Cipro Have Meth In It?, Tizanibenzaprine, Express Yourself!

Hey ReTellers, guess what... you are the ones driving each and every episode with your submissions for patient of the week, responses, etc and, to be honest, it's pretty freakin' great. Please keep it up through Twitter and Facebook (and let know with each submission if you want to be anonymous)  Crazy times we're working in currently... so we need to know now, more than ever, that we are NOT ALONE.  Thank you all! -M  Don't forget to check out our sponsor and get a free sample! 

Om Podcasten

Each episode, we dive into all things frustrating, weird, confusing, and even great about the odd world of retail pharmacy. For those dishing out drugs to the general public and wondering "What Am I Doing Here?", it's time you know... you're not alone.