Aaron Goldman | Donald Trump as a Religious Hero

Religion & Teologi - Ein Podcast von Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap

In this episode of R&T, CTR-researcher in Philosophy of Religion, Aaron Goldman, gives a talk entitled "Investigating QAnon as a Quasi-Religious Movement - Donald Trump as a Religious Hero", recorded from the annual "HT-dagarna" or Humanities and Theology days at the Joint Faculties. With reference to classic theories of myth and religion, Goldman investigate QAnon – a decentralized right-wing conspiracy movement which emerged in the United States during Donald Trump’s presidency – as a quasi-religious response to Trump’s irruption into American political discourse. Further, Goldman hypothesize that a confluence of factors pertinent to the American cultural landscape generated conditions for a cult – merging the horizons of the religious and political – to coalesce around Trump as a religious hero figure. ---------------------------------------------- Music for the R&T is generously provided by the Nous  ---------------------------------------------- Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies. If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please contact us via the podcast's twitteraccount: @reloteol.

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