Your Best Year Yet: Tap into your desires + define your goals

Regenerative Business with Sam Garcia - Ein Podcast von Sam Garcia of Dirty Alchemy


Okay! So today we’re talking about goal setting. Goal setting is about giving a direction so that your actions and your magic are focused on a desired outcome.It also gives direction to the much larger support system that exists & wants to support you on your journey, be it angels, God, Jupiter, Venus, your ancestors, spirit guides, or whatever else you relate to as the massive amount of beings and energy that wants to support you in your work.We are lucky to be magical business owners because we have so much more support than muggle-owned businesses who solely rely on their blood sweat and tears.Before we dig into specific business goals for the year it’s important for you to clarify a larger context.What you want out of your life.So, like I said, the subtitle for this event is: the free 5-day business alchemy experience for more fulfillment, impact, and cold hard cash in 2021. And I really want you to take away from this event how to get those three things.Defining what you want in life is your key to make sure that 2021 is the year that checks the fulfillment box.And don’t worry about how to get there today. We’re digging into all those details on Thursday. Today is just about setting that target to begin with. Because you need a target to know where to aim your energy.Basically… if you want to go after something, you have to first know what it is. Sounds super basic, but setting goals for what you want is a surprisingly potent kind of magic.So. I know we all want to get to the juicy goal setting. But let’s start with talking about WHY you should be setting goals. Because that’s the best way to know what might be blocking our goals from coming true.Some people are afraid to set goals because they’re afraid that they won’t like what they get…They don’t want to get clients, because they’re afraid they might hate them and be trapped in the contract.They don’t want to fall in love because they’re worried their partners might be needy or take up too much of their time.They don’t want a house, because what about property taxes? And how are they gonna clean a house that big?And on and on. Our subconscious can come up with an endless number of reasons why we can’t have the things we want. And a lot of the time, we don’t even realize they’re excuses. We just see them as fact.But they’re not facts. They’re fears.I just want to give you permission right now that you can handle it. And you can change your mind. If you get your goal and you hate it, then pivot. Change your goal. Change your business. Dump the guy. Whatever.But if a part of you deeply wants something, then the best way to get clarity is to get the damn thing. And see what happens.You are smart enough & capable enough to know how to handle the situation when it comes and to resolve it or find someone to help you with it.So… now it’s time. Grab your journal and ask yourself — What do you really truly totally want?What would you want if no one would judge you for it?If no one would get pissed about you wanting it?If you without a doubt 100% would get it?What would you want if there was a magic wand that would wave & instantly grant it to you?I’m purposely asking this with these wording variations. Please answer all of these separately, because it’ll often bring up separate answers from you. So many of us feel guilty about what we want. We don’t even dream of having certain things bc we don’t think we could have it or we have guilt around it or whatever baggage comes along with it. Or we don’t think we deserve to have something good.We won’t even add something to favorites on an online store because we have a twinge in our hearts that we can’t afford it, so we can’t even admit to liking it or wanting it.So. Go into each area of life and look at what you truly want. They can be deep wants (like a more rich spiritual life) or things that you might tell yourself you shouldn’t want because they could be considered flashy or shallow (want a brand new car? A month long trip to Tahiti? Or a fully funded emergency fund? Write it down!)Go into this for where you live, who you spend your time with, how much you work, who’s on your support team, if you have pets or children, and so on.These goals can be diverse as you are, so don’t be afraid to include everything.Next ask yourself:How do you want to feel?And how would getting what you desire make you feel?This is an important separate step because you don’t want to fall into the trap of hitting goals while still feeling miserable, or unsafe, or stressed the fuck out.Often we want what we want because we want to feel a certain way. We want a 7 figure business because we’ll finally feel powerful, or safe. We want a man because we think it’ll make us feel loved. Or a Porsche bc we’ll feel wealthy.The key here is there is no guarantee that getting what you want will Of course, if you’re not making enough to pay your bills or live in a safe part of town or afford healthy food, that’s a different story. But after covering base needs, how we feel is affected very little by what happens externally. So building up our own ability to feel the way we want to feel is an important complementary part to goal setting. Work on your goals, while also working on feeling the way you want to feel. Practice feeling how you want to feel, especially in connection to taking action on our goals.So. Let’s talk about SMART goals.Maybe you've heard of this before. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound. Structuring your goals this way gives you an anchor as your setting goals and a framework for how to achieve them.And I want to add a note here about specific vs. non-specific manifestors in Human Design. You can find out whether you're a specific or non-specific manifestor by looking at the arrow at the bottom left of your chart.The idea is that some people are built to be really specific in their goal setting & desires. The more detail the better. While others - the non-specific manifestorsYou can google how to find that in your own human design chart, but I personally found it very useful bc I found out I was nonspecific so it’s better for me to focus on how I want to feel & more general desires. it helps some people to get super specific about their exact vision for the future. Get super clear on what your soul is pushing you to do. The magic is in the details, so load up your vision with all the sensations and things you want to draw in. Then there are non-specific manifestors. The name is a little misleading, because specificity is still the key here. You need to know what you want.The difference is that, if you’re a non-specific manifestor, you’re giving the universe a few different options to choose from for your vision. This isn’t the same as calling in every vision you have, it’s just expanding your arsenal. So if your vision is to increase your audience, instead of hyper-focusing on getting a feature in Forbes, you might say, “I want to be featured in an online publication that gets 10 million views a month by February of this year.” It’s still a specific goal, but it’s a little more flexible.So. Pick which approach sounds like it would work better for you. You might want to consulate your Human Design chart to see what it indicates about you. And then turn everything you want into a SMART goal.Set 1-3 goals like this for every area of your life: work, money, love, family, spirituality, fun, and health.For example…In the fun category. Your goal might go from “I want to learn to kite surf” to “I’m going to find a kitesurf instructor & book a session by Feb 15. Then I’m going to practice at least 1x/week.”In the family category. Your goal to buy a house becomes, “I’m going to buy a 4 bedroom, 3000 square foot house on Maui (or wherever you want to buy your house) by June 2021.” In the spirituality category. Your goal to take more time to do magic might become “I’m going to set aside ten minutes every morning to do my gratitude ritual.”In the money category. Your goal to make a million dollars might become “I’m going to spend the first three months of 2021 carefully nurturing my audience so that they’re ready for the launch of my life-changing program in November that’s going to generate a huge influx of energy and cash in my life.”And so on.You may need to do a little research in this process. These can be multi-step.Reframing from a vague desire to a tangible goal could require you to have a research phase, like in my kitesurf example. I need to find who teaches this.Or maybe you don’t have a morning ritual but you want one. Then you need to actually decide what it’s going to be. So make a date that you’ll decide by.For the money category, I want you to set your Annual Revenue Goal. This will give you a template for what you want your income to look like, which will help guide you as you’re planning your business and career moves.If you did yesterday’s visualization, then you can use that connection point to help define your revenue goal. You can listen to that guided meditation again & ask the soul of your business & ask your future self for help setting that goal. Just go to yesterday’s episode to do that.As you’re thinking through all these goals, it’s really important to ask yourself, What IMPACT do you want to make?Again, our goal this week is more fulfillment, impact, and cold hard cash in 2021. So we need to loop the impact we want to have on the world into this process. And this will help you get clear on what your soul is craving too.Impact can mean a lot of things, so the first step is to define it for yourself. What is impact to you?Maybe it’s sharing your message with 10,000 people or 1M people. Or helping 10 women fall in love. Or giving 1% of profit to charity. Or being able to retire your husband from the job he hates.Whatever it is. Define it now.Embodiment is so helpful for this process because, in order to dig deep and understand your desires, you have to connect deeply to your feelings. You need to go through the process of reaching your goal and feeling into it. Now, look back over the goals you set.How do you want to feel this year? Do each of these goals make you feel that way? The Regenerative Business Creation Lab is open now! Join our premium digital deep-dive for modern change-makers to install the Regenerative Business Framework into your business.Learn more here:

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