RT021: Efficient Idiots

Rebel Traders™ Podcast - Stock Market Trading Strategies, Insights & Analysis with Sean Donahoe & Phil Newton - Ein Podcast von Trade Canyon, Inc. - Smarter Traders Live Here™


In this weeks show Sean and Phil dive down a treacherous and controversial crevasse that is going to have some academic and economic heads explode like a scene from a bad horror movie. Is it really possible to beat the market? Can a trader really and truly have an edge? Well according to those that follow Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) it's impossible... But is that actually true?   Well, the Rebel Traders dive in to the actual facts, cut through the noise and get to the heart of things. Get your soapboxes ready ladies and gentleman... Keep your arms inside the ride at all times and get ready, it's going to be a hell of a ride!  

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