Rebel Force Radio: February 12, 2016
Rebel Force Radio: Star Wars Podcast - Ein Podcast von Star Wars

He was the man who introduced Obi-Wan to Chewie, but yet, his true identity was unknown. The name of the actor who played STAR WARS cantina character BoShek has remained a mystery for decades…Until earlier this week. Thanks to the efforts of crime reporter Billy Jensen (with a little help from Cantina expert Tom Spina), BoShek has finally been identified. This week on RFR, Billy tells us how he discovered who was the man behind BoShek and explains why he took on the task. The junior novelization for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS hits store shelves on February 16th. Author Michael Kogge joins us In The Cantina for a behind-the-scenes look at how the book came together. Disney head honcho Bob Iger talked about what lay ahead for STAR WARS during his quarterly stock holders update and our microphones were there. We play audio highlights so you get the all the deets directly from the man upstairs. Plus, Forest Whitaker talks ROGUE ONE, Jimmy Mac takes his dad to TFA and more!