Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on writing authentic copy with Joe Pomeroy

My whole focus is on writing authentic copy.
If you're hiring a copywriter and 90% of their time is not spent in research, then they're not going to get your voice.
It's combining those classic [copywritng] traditions with authenticity and being able to write those headlines and do those bullet points and have those attention-getting boxes.
Oftentimes, business owners don't necessarily see themselves as an expert, but the reality is when you built a business and you're making money at it and you're helping lots of people, that you're an expert to somebody.
In terms of copywriting, where is the low hanging fruit?... The easiest place is landing pages or opt-in pages.
It's a process. If all you have is this phenomenal landing page and you get people to sign up and then there's zero follow up to it, you're going to lose those people.
If you want to be a champion, focus on what you do best and get the right people around you. Hire the right people to come in, write copy, get that outside perspective, and get you on the medal stand as the champion.
The best way to figure out whether or not something is perfect is through A/B testing, which I always recommend.
Get clear on what you want and get clear on why you want it. Clarity dissolves fear.

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Focus on what you do best and get the right people around you. Hire the right people to come in, write copy, get that outside perspective, and get you on the medal stand as the champion.

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Doug: Welcome back to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today in the studio joining me, Joe Pomeroy. He has a degree in marketing and a master's in business administration with an emphasis on strategic development. While excelling in academics, Joe also worked as an instrumental leader in the rapid rise of a startup company now doing in excess of eight figures annually. He centered in all things communication, from acquisition to retention to satisfaction. Joe uses his superpower of empathy to quickly connect authentically with their clients. That same superpower that he used to understand those clients, he uses to understand your target audience, to create trust and connect with them to be your latest raving fans. After all, what your client really wants is for you to take away their pain. When they can trust you to do that, they will actively seek you.

Doug: Today we're going to connect with Joe and we're going to talk about all things to get more leads, more sales, and more fans as it relates to copy for your landing pages and email sequences. Welcome, Joe Pomeroy, to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast. Hey, Joe, super excited to have you on the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today. Welcome to the show.

Joe: Thanks, Doug. I'm excited to be here.

Doug: Super excited to talk to you about things, all things copy, all things copywriting. I sent out ... My newsletter went out today to my subscribers and I said, "Hey, we're going to be talking about copywriting today on this episode of the podcast." Just before we hooked up on the show, I got an email in from a Weber, and the numbers are in. It's 293 billion. That's the total estimated number of business and consumer emails that will be sent in 2019 per day. With that competition, I'm hoping that you're going be able to shed some light for our listeners on how they can compete. They can get their emails opened, clicked on, and they can sell more stuff. Do you want to fill us in and give us a little bit of background on the type of copy and the type of work that you're doing right now?

Joe: Yeah,