Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips based on what I've learned about blogging after two years with Heather Morneau

I think one of the biggest blogging myths is the fact that some people think that you need to have an entire novel in your mind and you need to sit down and write pages upon pages.
"You're still doing it, you're still losing it. How do you do it?" The more people asked, the more that there was a journey there and I thought, you know, maybe that is we share this with people, it would inspire or help other people.
What the plan was simply was to break it down into bite size pieces.
Other times I sit down and I'll start several different posts, but I find the more I force it, the worse the post ends up and I just trash it.
Well, there's a lot of half-truths. There's a lot of lies. There's a lot of sponsored information. So you think you're reading about dairy for example, and then you realize the page you've been fascinated with is actually sponsored.
There's a little bit of interaction on Facebook whereas I get more likes on Instagram, but it's the interaction that happens on Facebook.
Make sure that what you're writing about is something you're passionate about.
But the most important thing is to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and get it started.
People know that. Well, people can tell that with your writing as well. They can tell when you're fake.
I think people are really ready to get some honest information. I think I feel like people are ready for authenticity.

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One of the biggest blogging myths is that people think that you need to sit down and write pages upon pages.

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I think one of the biggest blogging myths is the fact that some people think that you need to have an entire novel in your mind and you need to sit down and write pages upon pages.

Doug Morneau: Well, welcome back. Let's listen to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today in the studio, I've got joining my beautiful wife, Heather Morneau and now Heather reluctantly agreed to join me in the podcast episode. Actually not that reluctant. So Heather is a mom, a wife, an aunt. She's the co-founder of a company called q4fit.com a health and wellness website and she's a grandma as well. In her spare time, she is an Olympic weight lifter, so she's lifting weights now and she is a Crossfit fanatic, so she's in the Crossfit box with me at least a couple times a week. As a kid, she was an active teenager, but as most people can relate after school ends, so do most of the activity. She went through her life in her twenties and started having babies and stay at home mom and had some unwanted pounds to start to show up.

Her struggle with weight and weight loss has been a part of her life's journey. Years later I became quite sick and nearly died of double pneumonia. That kind of triggered for both of us, a realization that we needed to be healthy if we wanted to be around to see our kids get married and have grandkids or see our grandkids be around as well.

So in the fall of 2011 after dealing with a very sick husband, she decided to start documenting her health journey and writing a blog. Two-and-a-half years later, she's been blogging now once or twice a week and just sharing that journey. So I've asked her to join us on the podcast today just to share a little bit of insight of what it's like to be a blogger, how to get set up, how to relieve some of that stress and strain of writing and some of the myths around that. So I'd like to welcome Heather to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today. Well, welcome, Heather.