Real Marketing Real Fast


The best webinar platforms reach your audience everywhere with Casey Zeman 

The whole premise of our products is that we want to help people sell better, leveraging webinar experiences.
You can see a level of commitment when someone shows up to a webinar, whereas someone just comes, they opt into a freebie, and then go to a sales video, they can leave at any time.
A webinar can have much higher results than a pre-polished, what is considered a perfect webinar, or a really well-scripted webinar.

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In Todays Podcast Episode We Discuss The Best Webinar Platforms, Webinar Software, And The Growth Of Online Webinar Platform Functionality.

Webinar platforms can be used as a funnel to reach your audience. Create authority before the webinar starts. Share content like a testimonial video.

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Doug: Well, welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today my guest in studio is Casey Zeman. He is the founder and CEO of a popular webinar platform called EasyWebinar. It's a software that has both live and automated webinars. With over 13,000 customers, Casey has figured out what works and what doesn't in the way of webinars, live broadcasts, and videos for engagement, and how to sell better and engage stronger with your audience and your customers. 

On average, his clients are generating 10 to $20,000 a day or 300 to $600,000 per month in recurring revenue. Casey's superpower is providing sales and scalability systems to business owners so they can work less on creating and more on impacting and making more money. He has consulted to companies such as Harper Collins, Estee Lauder, and Dell on video marketing strategies and lead nurture funnels using webinars. He's built his own multimillion-dollar software company, info product company through the power of live video and webinars. 

He's passionate about bringing these same strategies to your business and mine. Casey is also the best-selling author of a book called Build Your Audience With Live Video, and the creator of TribeMinded Systems, which combines the smart art of automation and engagement to scale a business. So I'd like you to join me in welcoming Casey Zeman to the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast today. Well, hey, Casey. Super excited to have you on the show today. So welcome to the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast.  

Casey: Thank you, Doug. Thanks for having me. 

Doug: I'm super excited to learn more about you, your platform, and how you're helping your clients grow their business, generate leads, and increase their sales. Do you want to just give us an overview of your role and what you guys do and how you serve your clients? 

Casey: Yeah. I'm the founder of a webinar platform, EasyWebinar, and we have a couple of other software platforms that are going to be rolling out soon. The whole premise of our products is that we want to help people sell better, leveraging webinar experiences. EasyWebinar was designed to be a holistic webinar platform that does live webinars. And then going beyond live webinars into like-live experiences, and also what we consider evergreen webinars, which are webinars that can run 24/7 without you being there, basically just leveraging your best show and across multiple time zones so that no matter where someone is in the world, they can watch it and experience it in a real-time effect, and then take action and get to know you without you always having to be there running a live webinar.

So yeah, that's what we do for our customers. A lot of our customers are our course creators. Many of them are coaches and consultants.