Real Marketing Real Fast


How to write a book and grow your business with Chandler Bolt

I'm a firm believer that a book is the best thing you can do to grow your business. 

Every time someone sees your book and every time anyone comes to your office and sees it, they think about you and they think about the work that you do.

If you give your book to every paying customer, well then now all of a sudden, they give one of those to another person and it's a referral mechanism.

I always say this: until you have your rough draft done, nothing else matters.

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We want to take people who are already buying books on Amazon and get them to buy your book and then come into your world and into your ecosystem.

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Doug Morneau: Well, welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Our guest in studio today was a college dropout and he worked his way to be a six times bestselling author and he's the founder of a 10 million dollar book-based business. As a C- English student and a bad writer, he still knew that there was a story inside of him. He finished his first book in a month and between dropping out and going on vacation. Just two years later he had published his sixth best selling book, all while helping non-writers in dozens of fields publish their own best selling books. He even built a multimillion-dollar plus business during that time and still had free time to see his friends, family, travel with his brother's concert, and going skiing.

Doug Morneau: I'd like to introduce you to our guest today who is Chandler Bolt. He is the founder and the CEO of the Self-Publishing School. He has been featured in the Inc 5000 list as one of 5,000s fastest-growing private companies in America. Self-Publishing School is an online education school that teaches people how to write, market, and publish its first book in as little as 90 days. And they've got more than 4,257 students that have been impacted to date. So I'm super excited to talk about publishing, self-publishing, and how to make money after you've written your book. I'd like you to join me in welcoming Chandler Bolt to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today.

Chandler Bolt: Hey, great to be here Doug. Thanks for having me.

Doug Morneau: And the audio today is a lot better than the last time we heard you speaking at an outside event. So I'm looking forward to hearing everything you've got to say this time and not missing out on any of the key points.

Chandler Bolt: I'm looking forward to you being able to hear me.

Doug Morneau: So do you want to share with our audience, for the people who don't know you or haven't heard you speak, kind of what your superpower is and how you help entrepreneurs and businesses?

Chandler Bolt: Absolutely. I mean I'd say my superpower is helping people get their books written and using those books to grow their business. With Self-Publishing School and the work that we've been doing for the last few years, it's been all about how to do you... Our bread and butter are taking people from blank page to published author in as little as 90 days. So, maybe this [crosstalk 00:02:10]-

Doug Morneau: Okay, slow it down a bit. So you take them from blank page to published author in 90 days.

Chandler Bolt: Yes. Yeah, that's the goal. And certainly not everyone, but I mean that's the goal and the process works. If you follow the process and if you do the work, obviously. But that's the process. And maybe a sub superpower is like someone who's a C level English student and a college dropout...