Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to turn your B2B prospects into customers with Morgan Williams

In B2B sales you need to get in front of your ideal prospects and talk to them, help solve their problems and start the sales process. 
Cold email is not spam. Spam is sending out irrelevant messages to people at high volumes. Cold email is reaching out to a business or to a person with a relevant message where they have no prior knowledge of you.
Please follow up more. Anyone, please follow up more. If you follow up several times, you will have increased response rates, I promise you.
Intent data is becoming a really hot topic in the B2B space. And essentially what intent data allows you to do is find people who are actually in the market for the services you have to offer. You're literally able to see based on lots of different data points who would be ready to buy.
It is incredible how underutilized texting is in the sales process and how effective it is. It's crazy.

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In B2B sales you need to get in front of your ideal prospects and talk to them, help solve their problems and start the sales process.

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Doug: Well, welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today we're going to talk about cold email, lead generation in the business to the business side, and I think you're going to enjoy the conversation. My guest today is somebody that I had connected with on LinkedIn, he works in the B2B space. He is also a fellow podcaster, podcast host. He has a podcast called the B2B Sales Tech Podcast. His name is Morgan Williams. He works as an enterprise sales rep. He is a blogger as I mentioned, a podcast host. He's based in Chicago, Illinois, and he helps companies create content so their salespeople can master cold outreach so they can book more appointments with their ideal leads. So I think you're going to enjoy our conversation, so welcome to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today.

Doug: Well, hey Morgan, welcome to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today.

Morgan Williams: Thank you so much, Doug. A pleasure to be here.

Doug: Super excited to have you on the show, and I looked at your bio and your background and I thought, "This really cool, A B2B guy who's in lead generation." And I was doing some keyword research on a project for a client and it was interesting that that's one of the number one issues that businesses struggle with. Do you want to just give us a 30,000-foot view of what you're doing and then we can dive a little bit deeper into the tactics?

Morgan Williams: Yeah, absolutely. You are right, it is a pressing issue for every... I pretty much work in technology, SaaS, that's the environment that I'm in, and it's really an issue for every company that's looking to sell to other businesses. How do you get new blood in the door? How do you get more revenue? How do you get more sales? And that all starts with meetings. B2B, you need to get in front of your ideal prospects and talk to them, help solve their problems and start the sales process. Well, most people have that cover when it comes to warm contacts, they're selling to their warm network or referrals or what have you, but getting the attention and gaining the trust of cold prospects within a sales cycle is tough, it's challenging.

Morgan Williams: And what's making this even harder in a 2020 environment, is the fact that there are so many companies or sellers that are entering the system. It's supply and demand. There are more sellers entering the system, and at least I used to work in cybersecurity and we're s...