Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to make LinkedIn videos that engage your connections

And what's interesting, with LinkedIn videos, I am getting a disproportionate amount of engagement compared to any other platforms I've ever uploaded on.
This podcast that we're creating right now will get repurposed after this call. It's going to get chopped up into smaller bits of little video nuggets that we could use for promotional purposes elsewhere.
And people went crazy that I took the time to send them a personal video.
The other thing I think is because of the vulnerability of the video, like the content that I created, the message has really resonated with people.
Yes, I mean, it's just like the real world, right? I think if people can notice that you actually care about them, and they're not just a number to you, they respond. I mean, when I get connection requests, I try, and it doesn't always happen, but I certainly try and reach out then.
"Each person that you meet, it doesn't matter who they are, could potentially introduce you to at least 50 other people." This was sort of before the days of social media. Now, I think that's very much leveraged because each person you meet on social media can potentially introduce you to thousands of people, maybe hundreds of thousands of people, depending on who it is.
It's a nurturing sort of an approach to building relationships and audience, which is like I said, it's no different than real life, right?
But I'd encourage you to start simple, just start really simple, Zoom is free, for example, and you can hook up with anybody in that sense to record a video conversation like this
Yeah. It's like the word care or just caring, I think that really sums it up for doing good business. If you can just show that you care and that your team and your employees, that they also care about clients and your customers, and leads and future customers.
I love that, and also coming back to something you mentioned earlier, to make it even stronger, is do the 80/20 thing on it, where you sort it by your most popular posts and then you basically just grab the top 20 of your blog posts and those are the ones that you then repurpose.

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And what's interesting, with LinkedIn videos, I am getting a disproportionate amount of engagement compared to any other platforms I've ever uploaded on.

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Doug Morneau: Hey welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today my guest on my podcast is Gideon Shalwick. I had Gideon on my show earlier this year, I was really impressed with the video marketing tips and techniques that he shared, the tools that he was using, and wanted to reconnect and get him back on the show just to provide an update. And just for us to really have a deep dive, and have some conversations around what we could do to help you, our listeners, to actually engage and take some action steps, and get started leveraging video as a platform to increase your reach to contact or connect with your prospective clients, and to grow your network and build your business.

And in this episode, we're going to talk a little bit about LinkedIn and how Gideon's using this for LinkedIn, and give you some very easy ways that you can get started. And how you can repurpose content that you've got. So, with that said, I'm just going to switch over here, and I'm going to invite Gideon on the show. Gideon is with the company called Splasheo, super excited to be a client of his, and just welcome him to the show.

Doug Morneau: So, hey, Gideon, it's great to reconnect with you and just to have you back on the Real Market...