Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to make direct mail work for you with Ryan Cote

Everyone says direct mail is dead and that email is dead. It's not dead. It's just changing.
I think that really integrated approach and being everywhere helps them reach their goals.
The challenge of a multi-faceted approach is you have to coordinate all different teams.
I get really excited when we get a new client is using multiple strategies. Typically the results are better for the client so it's a win-win.
A great way to start with direct mail is postcards.  And then if you add the URL redirects on to them, then you're building up a nice warm list.
Multiple touch points are key. I can't think of any reason not to follow up with them with some sort of physical mail. Something they can actually hold and feel, like your marketing message in their hand.

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Multiple touch points are key. I can't think of any reason not to follow up with them with some sort of physical mail. Something they can actually hold and feel, like your marketing message in their hand.

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Doug: Well welcome back listeners another episode of Real Marketing real fast. Today in the studio I've got joining me Ryan Cote, now he is the director of digital services and partner at Ballantine which is a third generation a family-owned a Direct Mail and digital marketing company based at a Fairfield, New Jersey. Ballantine's been in business since 1966 and Ryan joined them in 2003. They work in areas from lead generation to marketing strategy for large and small businesses as well as not-for-profits. Ryan in this company rise above the get featured quick schema so they can attribute success to your digital marketing campaigns. He loves to geek out on technical marketing talk so I'm sure we'll have a great conversation today as well as real-world business owners and helping them to grow their business. So welcome to the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast today.

Ryan: Thanks Doug, I'm really happy to be here.

Doug: Well looking at your background and look at your website I got super excited because I love both a direct mail and both a digital and I do a lot of work in email and people say emails dead, I hear people say direct mails dead and obviously that's not the case so do you want to expand a little bit about your role and you know what you guys are doing?

Ryan: Yeah happy to so I started the company like you said 2003. My role back then because we didn't have digital in the company then my role then was marketing so I did marketing for the company, you know trade shows, SEO, the website you know various things so I basically my job was to get leads for Ballantine. And then about five years ago I brought the idea to my uncle and my father that you know we should start doing digital for clients as well because we were doing direct mail and creative I thought we should start doing digital. And so yeah that's when the digital department was launched five years ago we just back then we just did search engine optimization because that was my skill set my strongest skill sets because that's what I was most comfortable, but you know fast forward today we have a team of now nine on the digital side and we do everything from social media to content, SEO, paid search, email and so it's really exciting.

Doug: Well you want to walk us through maybe a case study or example you know of how you guys have been able to combine the two I mean I just was on a podcast the other day and we're talking about direct mail and how much I love it because there's a very little competition in the mailbox these days on the...