Real Marketing Real Fast


How to improve your Google ranks in 2020 with Matt LaClear

It took me a good three, four years after Penguin to really realize, I'm never going to hack the algorithm again. Then it just became a pursuit of just doing best practices.
Today, SEO is about giving your users what they're looking for.
Google's not going to rank whether based upon the quality of your recipe. They're going to base it upon how many other sites are linking to yours.
All we're doing is building up social equity with the prospects before we make our ask.
Small businesses are the backbone of our country. They're what makes us tick. They're what's going to get us through this crisis.

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Today, SEO and improving your Google ranks is about giving your users what they're looking for.

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Doug Morneau: Well, welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today, we've got a really interesting guest in the studio with us, Matt LaClear. He's got a very generous offer at this time as many businesses are suffering through economic hardship. His company's offered free SEO services for all American businesses if those businesses are willing to pay it forward. Make sure you stay tuned to the very end to get the details of Matt's offer.

Doug Morneau:

Matt LaClear is a SEO expert. He's the founder of a marketing agency called Your Ad Squad. Matt's teams' purpose is the very best referral prospects available any given industry with the purpose of doubling the size of the business. They are experienced in working with the big fish yet they love small businesses and never act like a candidate is above or working with them. They help their clients to set up their sights on the biggest referral targets in their industry resulting in huge dividends. It forces their clients to game up to the next level of growth in their business.

Doug Morneau: I'd like you to join me in welcoming Matt LaClear to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today.

Doug Morneau: Hey, Matt, super excited to have you on the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today. Welcome to the show.

Matt LaClear: Thanks, Doug. Glad to be here.

Doug Morneau: Looking forward to this conversation. Like I said, I've got my pen and notepad out, SEO and making sure that we get more of the right traffic to our website and get them to execute. It's always important to me.

Doug Morneau: Do you want to give us just a bit of background on what your superpower is and how you help people in this particular space?

Matt LaClear: Yeah. But I started in this business when I was 25. That doesn't sound like such a big deal anymore. But I'm 50 now. I started out ... really this won't be my life story. But I started out in the lazy side of marketing back then when the internet was brand new, everything worked. I mean everything. it was you could go out and take a boat out into the middle of the lake and drop a bear hook in, with a rusty bear hook with a cane pole, just a $2 fishing pole and catch a 40 pound lake trout. Then you could do it all day long where you became a fishing expert within three days. I mean, that's what it used to be like. It was instant money. You could rank number one for a keyword within a couple three days. But those days are over.

Matt LaClear: Long story short, I was very good on the Black Hat side of things. Then Penguin hit in 2012. When they hit, our agency was running over 10, 11,000 campaigns for customers. In 2012, when they hit, over half of them lost their rankings and they had to let people go.