Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to improve customer loyalty with Rob Gallo 

If you have a customer loyalty program already, the people who are in your program using it are already loyal. Can they be more loyal?
You have an emotional connection to a brand that leads you to engage with that brand. You might drive out of your way to get to a Starbucks if you have that emotional connection. That's the first step in customer loyalty.
The best thing to do for your customers is ease of use. Reduce friction on the user experience side. It needs to be seamless.
Rather than points, rather than discounts, people want unique experiences that are personalized to them. Ask them what you can offer that would be appealing to them?

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If you have a customer loyalty program already, the people who are in your program using it are already loyal. Can they be more loyal?

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Doug: Welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today in the studio I have joining me Rob Gallo, and he runs a company called Comp Links. So if your business deals with customers, and you want to understand what makes them tick, then you and I owe it to ourselves to glean some knowledge from someone who's literally been there and done that.

Doug: So Rob is considered an expert in customer engagement and building consumer brand loyalty. He's going to share some real life stories of his 20 years of successes and failures in that business, in the ultra competitive casino business that translates really into any business that deals with customers as their lifeblood. We had a great conversation. It kind of brought me back to years ago working in the customer loyalty business or space with retailers, and really just shone a light on how far technology's advanced and how we can leverage this type of program to have our customers repeatedly come back, earn rewards elsewhere but spend that money with us.

Doug: So if that sounds interesting to you, I'd just suggest that you sit back, tune in, listen up. And then when you've got some questions at the end of the episode, make sure you reach out to Rob. So, hey Rob, welcome to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today.

Rob: Thanks, Doug. Thanks for having me.

Doug: So, super excited to talk to a fellow entrepreneur and really interested in kind of your deep expertise with engagement and customer loyalty. So do you want to give just a little bit of background for our listeners who don't know you yet, on kind of what you're doing and how you're helping people?

Rob: Sure. So, starting back in the beginning and how it relates to marketing, I started in the online industry, advertising, and marketing back in '95. So we used to advertise in the newspapers and get leads, and it was a laborious process. You'd put the ad out there, you'd wait two or three days for it to get approved, and then get in the paper the following week. And then by the end of the month maybe you'd have 10, 15, 20 leads.

Rob: And then CompuServe came about. And I know I'm dating myself, but you know the pre-AOL days and dial-up on a probably 300 baud rate modem. Again, dating myself, people don't even know what that is. But nonetheless, I put an ad out on a forum and I had 16 leads by the end of the day and I was blown away. And I became an internet junkie since.

Rob: Then in 1997 I launched an online casino. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time, and it was phenomenal. So the marketing in that aspect was a completely separate animal. So when I started in '97 there were probably five other pr...