Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to can confidence in public speaking with Mike Acker

When it comes to public speaking it's either confidence that's holding someone back or understanding that's holding someone back.
Communication is currency. It's the currency we use in everything.
Ultimately, anytime someone's giving a message, you are the message.
A huge aspect of speaking. It's "Let me help you get what you want."

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When it comes to public speaking it's either confidence that's holding someone back or understanding that's holding someone back.

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Doug: Well welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. In-studio today, I've got joining me, Mike Acker. Now Mike is a speaker, a leadership coach, he is a best-selling author, he has over 19 years of experience in speaking in leadership development and organizational management. In our conversation today, he revealed what was shocking to me but maybe common knowledge to you is that confidence comes from your identity. And one of the biggest issues that speakers have is confidence. So Mike is known for his authenticity, his humor, and his engaging presence. He specializes in fostering personal and organizational awareness, allowing the audience to personalize his presentations. And I'm sure you'll get that as you listen in to our conversation.

Doug: His expertise is in communications and leadership and he's drawn a wide range of engagements, including executive teams, emerging leaders, not for profits, churches and public schools. Well hey Mike, welcome to the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast today.

Mike: Thank you so much, Doug. Great being here with you.

Doug: I'm super excited to talk to you. I've done some speaking. Not that it doesn't scare me every once in a while, but I still like to get out there and share my message. So you're the expert on this, so you do you want to give our audience just a little bit of background on what you do and how you help your clients?

Mike: Yeah, absolutely. It started really with me being a speaker for many, many years. So after traveling around doing conferences, doing workshops, speaking at churches and all these different environments, I started leading. And as I started leading people, I had a lot of people come to me and say, "Mike, can you help me get better?" And so people were [inaudible 00:01:44] just to show up at the church that I was leading at the time. And I would train speakers up and help them out, give them some feedback and it was really from this faith perspective.

Mike: Then as time passed, I started seeing that there was a need outside of the realm of the small world that I was living in. That people in all these different environments were needing help as communicators, as leaders, as CEOs, as executives. And I started developing little by little, just working with them on a speech here, speech there. But as people came, we started talking about, "How do I develop confidence? How do I do this? How do I do that?" They brought questions to me and I started writing that content. This turned into a book, so I wrote a book called Speak with No Fear. That's one of the biggest aspects that people would come to me, would be about, "How do I speak without feeling so anxious and nervous and I want to throw up. How do I get over that?" So I wrote a book about that. Extremely well received, picked up by Forbes. I wrote a second book on how to write a speech. So all this together created really this whole company that I developed on how can people take their potential and turn it into their actual?