Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to get results with animated whiteboard videos by Summer Felix

We produce animated whiteboard videos, marketing videos, explainer videos, ongoing video content for our clients.
A lot of our clients are using the videos we create for them on their paid social ads, so they're on Instagram or Facebook or any of those.
If you know the focus of the needles that you're trying to move, you can get a lot done in a shorter period of time
Be wary of cheap options

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We produce animated whiteboard videos, marketing videos, explainer videos, ongoing video content for our clients.

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Doug Morneau: Well, welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing, Real Fast. Today I've got a special guest joining me. We're going to talk about a different angle in terms of sales and marketing and video and producing content. Got a Summer Felix-Mulder. She is a serial entrepreneur. She is an author and she's dedicated to making the world a better place. At the Draw Shop, she looks after whiteboard videos that are made after the world's best minds and best companies. Summer has been in the marketing arena for decades. She holds a creative degree from Pepperdine University. She loves writing. She's a mummy and all things marketing and storytelling.
She is also the CEO and co-founder of Eden, a challenged based app and CLEAR Health Technologies whose mission is to end addiction relapse. With that great introduction, I would like you to welcome a Summer to the podcast today.

Summer Felix: Thank you so much. I'm so excited to be here with you.

Doug Morneau: Well, that's quite a diverse background, so business CEO, a mom and then working ... Is the health technologies a not for profit or is that a for-profit business?

Summer Felix: It is a for-profit, but there are portions of it that help support nonprofit.

Doug Morneau: Excellent. You are another smart marketing person. I love talking to marketing people. Do you want to give us an overview of what your company does and how typically clients would engage you?

Summer Felix: Yeah, absolutely. We produce marketing videos, explainer videos, ongoing video content for our clients. We do a lot of training videos as well, and we specialize in whiteboard animation, which started to become pretty popular, I want to say pretty much as long as we've been in business, which is about nine years. Also, we do different kinds of animation cartooning, 2D. We've done VR style, animation and all kinds of infographics, various types of videos, but where our focus and what we've been known for his whiteboard animation and really the science behind making a brain want to take action. That's what we geek out on.

Doug Morneau: There you go. At the end of the day, you need to sell stuff, and so if people watch the video and they're entertained and they don't take action, subscribe to your list, buy your product. Then while it was a nice marketing piece, it didn't produce any revenue.

Summer Felix: So true, yes. You can make something look cool, but it's got to work

Doug Morneau: That's what I say. I'm not interested in winning awards. We're interested in moving the sales dial.

Summer Felix: Yeah.

Doug Morneau: What's the difference with the explainer videos? I mean there's a ton of people in this space and I've looked at the videos that you've produced, and I have to admit they're very compelling. I was looking at Greg Reid's and was thinking, wow, would a publisher sit through this and it just kept moving you a...