Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to tell your authentic brand story by Paula Brown

When you tell your authentic brand story you will achieve buy-in from potential clients quite naturally
What is storytelling? A story is your story. You've got to tell your own story. You can't tell somebody else's templated story.
It's about engaging that inner star quality, your purpose
People are saying, "Well, I don't believe in niche marketing anymore." And I say, "Well, I do. But my niche is one person." I work with one person at a time.

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You've got to tell your own story. You can't tell somebody else's templated story.

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Doug Morneau: Well, welcome back, listeners in another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today in the studio, I've got joining me, Paula Brown. Now, I met Paula at a New Media Summit in San Diego this year and we had some great conversations and I enjoyed both her conversations and some of the illustrations that she shared with me.

Paula's life story began when she forged her belief that your story is a masterpiece and it's in your heart that you need to have a clear picture of your purpose. She helps get leaders unstuck from the story of invisibility. Her unique stories in life-after-death experience led her purpose and quest. She is a hardest and intuitive graphic facilitator, a purpose coach, an author, a speaker.

Leaders hire Paula to literally and figuratively draw out their authentic story, the true heartfelt purpose of their vision so they can lead with very unique values. Her Sketch Quests pulls extraordinary from ordinary attracting aligning followers for her clients.

Paula's best-selling book, Fur Shui: An Introduction to Animal Feng Shui, available in the US, Canada, and the UK and also translated into Italian, shines her intuitive tools in the blue sky questing with and beyond the visible world. So, I'd like the welcome Paula to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today.

Paula Brown: Hi, Doug. It's such a treat to be here and talking with you.

Doug Morneau; Well, it's great to reconnect. We had some good conversations and it just proves that in this digital world that lots of people think we can do everything online, nothing beats meeting people face to face, having a coffee and having a conversation.

Paula Brown; That's very correct and I'm a real one-on-one person. That's how my business is driven and I just thought that your ideas about and background in marketing and branding really sung true to me. And I so appreciate the tools that you bring and the conversations that you bring online.

Doug Morneau: Well, thanks so much. Today, we're not here to talk about me. We're here to talk about you. We want to learn your superpower and I can't help but acknowledge that one of the topics on your speaker one sheet was torn off, your story's cloak of invisibility and we did have a quick Harry Potter conversation. Do you want to explain to our listeners what do you mean by that?

Paula Brown: Yes. I believe that the people that I am most helping now are the people who know their idea, know their process and are just speaking it and they're still invisible. You've literally got a cloak of invisibility around your story and it's all about storytelling now. It's how you tell your story and what is your story? How do you define your story? How do you tell your story? It's frustrating, it's costly to be speaking and not knowing that your audience knows what you're saying, your big ideas just lying there like a flapping fish out of water...