Are You Coachable Or Stuck In Your Own Ways? with Gavin Timms » Episode 1136

Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast - Ein Podcast von Joe McCall


Personal development and working on your mindset is the key to running a successful business, and it’s also key for life in general. Taking an honest look at yourself and owning up to what you need to work on allows you to change for the better. Sometimes we can get stuck in our own ways, which prevents us from making the necessary adjustments to get ahead. We might think we have all the answers already, which can keep us stuck in a loop of no progress. It’s important to be coachable so you can actually implement all the great advice you get from your mentors. Taking massive action and not being afraid to mess up is how we learn.When you can take an honest internal inventory, you’ll be able to get to your goals much faster. So many people get stuck because they don’t take the advice they’re given. If you’ve been told by your coach a thousand times to make just a few simple changes and you’re still not doing it, you’ll be stuck on that hamster wheel forever. When you allow yourself to be coachable, you can truly listen and take action. This game is all about getting results. Putting your coaching into practice is the secret to massive growth in your business and living your dream lifestyle.What’s Inside:—The importance of having a coachable mindset.—How you can change your life and business in just six months. 

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