Wisdom from the Workshop - Episode 2

Radio Maria England - Ein Podcast von Radio Maria England

Wisdom from the Workshop - Episode 2 - Model of Workmen What must it have been like to grow-up next to St Joseph? Jesus grew-up under the protective and affectionate gaze of his foster father. In a time when many young people are looking for father-figures to lead them into their identity and destiny, Pope Francis has inaugurated a year dedicated to St Joseph pointing the Church to this model of fatherhood and discipleship. Based on the Litany of St Joseph and their own personal friendship with St Joseph, Fr Gabriel Kyte, CFR and Br Francois Fontanie, CFR of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal will be leading us in a reflection and prayer each Wednesday throughout the month of March. Fatherhood and masculinity has been undermined in our culture but the Lord is faithful and is drawing men and women to find in the Church sources of authentic fatherhood rooted in the love of God, our Heavenly Father. With the year of St Joseph our attention has been drawn to him who remains an icon of God the Father for all of us. St Joseph desires to draw us to Jesus his son to find in Him our identity as sons and daughters. Join us in this time of prayer as we make the journey from St Joseph’s workshop to the Father’s House!

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