THE LITURGICAL LOOKING GLASS - The 7th Sunday of Eastertide
Radio Maria England - Ein Podcast von Radio Maria England
We're still in Easter! And there are a few interesting things coming up this week of interest to listen to. Here's the playlist: 1. If Ye Love Me by Tallis (choir unknown) 2. Venite Benedicti Patris Mei from O Sacrum Convivium, St George's Cathedral Choir Southwark 3. Nunc Dimittis sung by the Nuns of St Cecilia's Abbey 4. Sunday's Introit: Exaudi Domini 5. Benedic anima mea (Ps. 103, 1-3) from Erasumus von Rotterdam, Praise of Folly 6. Ut Umum Sint sung by Choir of New College Oxford 7. Singularis Laudis Digni from Medieval English Music sung by the Hillard Ensemble 8. Communio: Ego Vos Elegi de Mundo from Coro Gregoriano de Lisboa 9. Regina Coeli Laetare from sung by Philippe Jaroussky from the album Stabat Mater, Motets to the Vigin Mary