THE LITURGICAL LOOKING GLASS - Nick Swarbrick & Tim Hutchinson - Kings & Carols
Radio Maria England - Ein Podcast von Radio Maria England

As the feast of the Epiphany is just around the corner this episode of the Liturgical Looking Glass looks at music from a variety of different lands in honour of the Magi who came from afar. Here’s what we heard: 1. Psallite Unigento by Praetorius 2. Introit for Epiphany Ecce Advenit Dominator Dominus in the Dominican rite. 3. Reges Tharsis by John Sheppard sung by the Sixteen and directed by Harry Chistophers. 4. Keur Moussa-Chant à la Vierge (Chant to the Blessed Virgin) 5. Amahl and the Night Visitors by GianCarlo Menotti from the original NBC TV production. 6. Orto Sole Serene by the Anonymous 4 on the album On Yoolis Night. 7. The Our Father in Aramaic sung by Archimandrite Seraphim Bit-Kharibi 8. The Hail Mary in Hebrew by Harpa Dei 9. We Cry Out to you, O Patroness of China, again by Harpa Dei THE LITURGICAL LOOKING GLASS is a programme that looks at the liturgy of the week ahead and music that is inspired by it either directly or indirectly. It is written by Nick Swarbrick and co-presented by Tim Hutchinson. If you enjoyed this programme, please consider making a once off or monthly donation to Radio Maria England by visiting or calling 0300 302 1251 during office hours. It is only through the ongoing support of our listeners that we continue to be a Christian voice by your side.