Radio Maria England - Ein Podcast von Radio Maria England

With a voice as scratchy as the wooden crackers some of you might have heard this Good Friday Tim speaks to Nick about the austere but beautiful music of Tenebrae. Here's the music! 1. Ténèbres du Golgotha - 1° Nocturne: répons " Omnes amici mei" · Choeur des moines de l'Abbaye de Saint-Pierre de Solesmes · Traditional · Dom Jean Claire 2. Hurt by Johnny Cash arranged and performed by 2Cellos 3. Palestrina: Improperia - 1. Popule meus, quid feci tibi? · Sistine Chapel Choir · Massimo Palombella 4. Chant Reproaches for Good Friday (in English) by Bruce Ford Sung by Angela Marie Rocchio, see: used by kind permission. 5. O bone Jesu a 19 · The Sixteen · Harry Christophers · Robert Carver 6. Crux Fidelis Vocal  Ensemble: The King’s Singers from the Album The Golden Age, Composer: João IV 7.  In manus tuas Pater, commendo spiritum meum from Taize 8. The Choir of Winchester Cathedral, under the direction of David Hill, perform John Tavener's 'Lament of the Mother of God'

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