THE CATHOLIC UNION - 2022-12-09 - Assisted suicide - James Somerville-Meikle

Radio Maria England - Ein Podcast von Radio Maria England

The Catholic Union is encouraging its members and supporters to make their voices heard in a new Parliamentary inquiry into assisted suicide. The House of Commons Health and Care Committee recently launched an inquiry into assisted dying/assisted suicide with a call for evidence open until 20 January 2023. In response to the inquiry, the Catholic Union has launched a survey giving people the chance to share their views and experiences. The survey responses will shape the Union’s evidence to the inquiry. Additionally, the Catholic Union is encouraging those with a particular interest or expertise to submit evidence directly to the Committee, which is made up of a cross-party group of MPs. The Committee is expected to report and make recommendations to the UK Government in spring next year. The inquiry comes as a Bill on assisted suicide is due to be presented in the Scottish Parliament next year, and Governments in Jersey and the Isle of Man are also considering proposals for a change in the law.

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