THE BARDCAST - Sarah de Nordwall - 18. Escape Velocity and The Journey to Corpus Christi
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This week in the Bardcast we explore the power of our own words and hear tips on memorising a gorgeous passage of Ecclesiasticus, that scatters the fragrance of the Divine life. Another remarkable poem from Jacky Garrat transforms our view of adoration and healing the world, whilst Sarah’s poem set near the Hill of the Moon in Sligo prepares us to behold the Mystery. If you never knew the strange tale of the beginning of the Feast of Corpus Christi, you’ll hear it here, as well as a writing prompt that includes making a psalm of your very own. Enjoy! Sarah can’t wait to share the results. Just send your poems to [email protected] and remember to let her know if you’d like the poem to be read out. THE BARDCAST airs live and can be listened to on or digital radio in London, Bristol, South Birmingham and Cambridge at 3:15pm after the Divine Mercy Chaplet on Sundays and 8pm on Fridays. Each week Sarah de Nordwall reflects on poems that have been sent in, shares a poem of her own, leaves us with a theme and a writing prompt and sends us off to write something ourselves.