QUESTIONS OF FAITH - Fr Toby & Tim - Did Christ Save Us from God's Wrath?

Radio Maria England - Ein Podcast von Radio Maria England

We tackle the Protestant theory of penal substitutionary atonement in this episode - did Christ come to save us from God's wrathful anger towards us and our sins... or is there another way of understanding the Cross? Hear the answer to this question and more. Questions of Faith airs every Friday at 11:15am and is reboadcasted at 11:15pm the same day. Every week listeners are welcomed to call in and ask questions. The programme is facilitated by Tim Hutchinson with Fr Toby, Sr Carino or a different guest from week to week. Please send in your questions to [email protected] or call in during the programme on 01223 375 564. If you enjoy listening to Radio Maria either live or through podcasts like these, please consider making a once off or monthly donation. To do so visit or calling 0300 302 1251 during office hours.

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