Poetry for the Season - Lent - Episode 1

Radio Maria England - Ein Podcast von Radio Maria England

Poetry for the Season - Lent - Episode 1 This season of poetry programmes will walk with you through Lent, and provide  literary nourishment for your spiritual journey. As we turn our minds and hearts to prayer, fasting and almsgiving Sally Read will take us through poems, new and old, that reflect on these topics in traditional and surprising ways. Like Jesus who began his ministry with forty days in the wilderness, we consider silence through poetry, its relationship to prayer, and the sense of ourselves stripped bare of distractions. Often the poems read and discussed will relate to the Mass reading for the following Sunday; always the poems will speak of what we’re all going through: the difficulties of detachment from things, the struggle and joy of prayer, and the yearning for Christ. Join Sally as she ruminates on words sometimes divinely inspired, always very human, through this time of spiritual richness. As well as familiar poems by John Donne, George Herbert, WB Yeats, Henry Vaughan, and Gerard Manley Hopkins, Sally will be sharing new and exciting work by Sarah Law, Paul Murray OP and many others… Broadcast:  LIVE Mondays at 4pm, Tuesday at 9:30am, Wednesdays at 1:00pm and 8:00pm, Saturdays at 5:30am and 2:00pm and Sundays at 1:00am https://radiomariaengland.uk/new-programme-poetry-for-the-season-lent-2021/

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